Previous Feasts
A pre-Christmas seafood extravaganza in the Home for Smack Boys on Ramsgate Harbour. Oysters, octopus salad, pickled mussels and wakame eaten straight off the rocks. Crab bisque with red mullet, samphire and crouton. With sailor’s knot lessons, ice lollies, catsuits and pudding to follow.

Great Expectations
Holiday home and inspiration to Charles Dickens, Bleak House is a staggering building overlooking Viking Bay. We threw a candlelit autumnal feast in the Great Expectations room, full of chicken parfait profiteroles, pheasant and chestnut croquetas, beautiful local farm vegetables and nods to the big man and his books.

Beach Feast
A pirate takeover of an East Kent beach. Flat irons, flatbreads and newspaper sea bass on the homemade barrel barbecues. Prawns dunked in green sauce and aioli. A deckchair striped table. Sand instead of chairs. And packed away ten seconds before the heatwave exploded into a thunderstorm.